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Classification of LPG Filling Stations as Small, Medium, and Large

The categorization of LPG filling stations into small, medium, and large is primarily based on their daily filling capacity and storage volume. This classification aids regulatory bodies in tailoring safety oversight measures according to the risk levels associated with different facilities. Below are general classification guidelines based on daily filling capacity:

1. **Small LPG Filling Stations**:

   – Typically have a daily filling capacity of less than 1 metric ton. These stations often serve smaller market areas such as towns or neighborhoods. While the safety management requirements might be more basic, they must still be strictly enforced.

2. **Medium LPG Filling Stations**:

   – Have a daily filling capacity ranging from 1 to 10 metric tons. Medium-sized stations have a wider service range, potentially covering larger urban areas or multiple towns. With an increased daily throughput, medium stations require stricter safety equipment, personnel training, and emergency response plans.

3. **Large LPG Filling Stations**:

   – Possess a daily filling capacity exceeding 10 metric tons, sometimes reaching hundreds of tons. Large stations are typically regional logistics centers serving extensive commercial and industrial users, including large-scale catering, manufacturing, and wholesale retail sectors. Such stations not only necessitate high-specification tanks and filling equipment but also must be equipped with advanced safety monitoring systems, fire-fighting facilities, and emergency response mechanisms to address potential risks such as leaks and fires.

It’s important to note that these classification standards are not static and can vary by country or region. In addition, the classification of LPG filling stations may also be influenced by geographical location and environmental sensitivity (such as population density and proximity to critical infrastructure). Therefore, in practical operations, multiple factors must be considered to determine station classification and corresponding safety management measures.

The information provided offers a fundamental framework for classification. For detailed classification criteria specific to a particular country or region, one should refer to local safety regulations and industry standards. In China, for instance, specific classification standards and safety management requirements are commonly jointly issued by authorities such as the State Administration of Work Safety, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, ensuring the safe operation of the LPG industry.



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